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nice art, cool atmosphere, interesting story. Unfortunately I find the controls too unresponsive (When starting to steer too late, nothing you can do except crashing, and without constant sonar pinging it's very likely you start too late and take damage) and found myself having to almost constantly ping the sonar because the proximity sensor does not really help with navigation. Could you maybe add something like an emergency boost that costs energy or O2 to use but gets you away from a wall or the floor quickly? The way it is I found it more frustrating than fun...


Hey there! Thanks a lot for giving it a shot.

In my defence, this was the first ever game I made and my first ever game jam entry.

I will not add new features to this specific game, but I started to rebuild it from scratch, because I still love the idea. And yes, one if my goals is to make it more accessible, and less frustrating.

You can take a look at the first 5 minutes of the game that I am building now, and will add features to.

This was so good! The story and atmosphere were good. 

Thank you so much for the feedback, we are very glad you enjoyed it.

Excellent. I really like this. The story makes me want to come back and complete it later. Great game!

Thank you! Please do, there IS an ending ^^

Deleted 309 days ago

Thanks for the kind words.